Post-Vaccination Syndrome


The disease

Measles is caused by a virus transmitted by saliva droplets when coughing. The disease is highly contagious and nearly all adults over thirty years have had measles, generally between two and six years. When vaccination was introduced in the Netherlands, in 1976, were exceptional complications: middle ear infection, bronchitis, pneumonia and very rare encephalitis (brain inflammation). Even with the introduction of antibiotics, the disease and as harmless as a childhood that you just had to make. Protected against the disease nephrotic syndrome, a serious kidney disease in children.

After making the measles create a lasting immunity. This prevents severe forms of this disease in adults and in newborns, which are still protected by the antibodies of the mother.

Measles begins with fever, colds, and eye inflammation (conjonctivitis). On the inside of the cheeks appear white dots and dashes. First, the fever drops back then to up to 40oC. A speckled, red rash appears on the face and behind the ears and then the whole body. The child suffers from the light. After two to three days, the outcome is less, the house starts to flake and the fever drops.

For the introduction of the measles vaccine was also a benign disease doctors, and only the campaigns of the manufacturers of vaccines in a record time public opinion and that of doctors able to change. The fear wave of measles was in the United States much earlier than in Europe, because the vaccine was 20 years previously in effect.

In 1976, said a French professor in a magazine: "Measles, which is a benign childhood seen, this classification is complete." 2 In 1983, the year in France, where vaccination against measles and rubella was introduced, presented another professor at a press conference "the measures taken would be for doctors and the public awareness of the seriousness of this disease with serious consequences."


There is no standard treatment against the measles virus. In general, recommended that the child to rest, sufficient drinking and fever-reducing resources. In folk medicine is recommended that the fever is going to leave the child even good to cover so that it can sweating. In homeopathy, the fever is not suppressed because it slows the healing process and is a treatment given to the specific complaints of the child and which can significantly shorten the healing process and complications can occur.

The vaccine

It is a live attenuated virus, which is grown on chicken embryos. In the Netherlands only available as BMR vaccine (RIVM). It contains pollutants from cells of chicken embryos and human diploid cells. It contains no preservatives and antibiotics. In the Netherlands, also Attenuvax (Merck Sharp & Dohme) is used. This vaccine contains stabilizers such as sorbitol and hydrolysed gelatin and an antibiotic (neomycin). In Belgium are available: Duovax (MSD), MMR Vax (MSD), Attenuvax (MSD) and Rimevax (SKRIT).

The vaccine may be the same complications as the measles itself, including encephalitis (brain inflammation). It also caused the auto-immune diseases, including Crohn's disease (chronic inflammation thin colon) and ulcerative colitis (chronic colon inflammation) .3 According to a study of Crohn's disease three times as common in patients at measles vaccination zijn.4

In 1950, warned a report by the WTO against the use of any measles vaccine (then still in development) that would not be able to provide lifelong immunity to the disease itself as doing, while the actual risks of very low measles be. A method that only a few years of immunity would guarantee the outbreak of the disease to the adult age can delay and much more dangerous than zijn.5

This later proved to be prophetic words.

Side effects

The number of measles cases dropped dramatically in the first period after the introduction of the vaccine, but then appeared the disease in adults. Thanks to the vaccine, we now also measles cases in newborns, in whom the disease can be serious. In the beginning it seemed very effective vaccine because the immunity of vaccinees maintained by the frequent contacts with the real measles virus of non-vaccinees. But now the natural virus is rare, reduces the efficacy of the vaccine, the vaccine should be repeated and increasingly act again epidemics that take the vaccinees, as shown in America, where the measles vaccine introduced much earlier werd.6

What is wise?

In the Netherlands, the measles vaccine in the combination vaccine BMR (measles-mumps-rubella) available. It is not possible for one and not another choice. I recommend itself to the BMR vaccine to omit. It gives too many side effects, including chronic infections and severe behavioral disorders such as autism and ADHD in the most eye-catching are. The most decisive argument for a BMR to give to abnormalities in the unborn child as a result of the red dog to avoid. Therefore I suggest parents of their daughters inoculated 16-18 years for antibodies to check if there are still insufficient antibodies against rubella to slips. The vaccine is in use in Belgium (Ervevax (Smith Kline Beecham) or Meruvax II (R) (Merck Sharp & Dohme). The last principle is also available in the Netherlands, but is not part of the ONP.

Several studies also show that people who do not measles or other childhood diseases have made during their childhood years often lead to serious illnesses such as cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), and interfere with the immune system. Measles is important for the development of our immune system. The risk of encephalitis (hersenvliesontseking) of roads official overstated by a factor tien.7

About mumps and rubella can also find a special section with detailed information.

For further information please read: Diseases and vaccines detail, issued by the Dutch Association of Critical shots, June 2001


  1. Dr. François Choffat, Le droit de choisir; Jouvence Editions, ISBN 2-88353-222-2
  2. Michel georgette, Vaccination, les verites indesirables, p. 246
  3. Thompson, NP, measles vaccination is a risk factor for inflammatory bowel diseases? The Lancet, t.345, 1995
  4. The Lancet, April 29, 1997
  5. Michel georgette, Vaccination, les verites indesirables, p. 246
  6. Gustavson, TL, measles outbreak in a fully immunized secondary-school population. The New England Journal of Medecine. T316, 1987
  7. HU Albonico et al: Schweizerische Impfkampagne generated Masern, Mums and Röteln-zur Aertzliche think Ausrottungs Strategy, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin 1994, No. 1, p.38-41, and no.2, p.68-73