Post-Vaccination Syndrome


The disease

Rubella is a benign childhood illness affecting children and young adults. The disease is spread by droplet infection. Going through one illness gives a lifelong immunity. It spreads less readily than for example the measles.
The disease in children is trivial. It starts off with a slight fever, swelling of lymph nodes in the cervical region, nasal catarrh. The second day a rash may develop which starts behind the ears then spreads over the whole body. The illness is over in just a few days. There rarely are complications. A slight arthritis or benign meningitis may occur. In adults the occurrence of arthritis is more common. The complication of this disease might occur when the future mother contracts it during the first three month of pregnancy. Then it can cause congenital malformation: cataract, hearing disorders, mental disabilities, heart disorder, or even lead to an abortion.
Before the introduction of the vaccination 90% of the adult population was protected by their lifelong immunization.

The vaccine

The vaccine is made of live-attenuated virus cultivated on human cells. The vaccine does not give a just as efficient or life-long immunity as the disease itself does. From experience in America with this vaccine, dating back to 1970, we learn that, just as with measles, there is initially a decline of the occurrence of the disease followed by an increase of rubella in adults and the newly born. Consequently, just as we see with measles, there can be an increase of the disease under the vaccinated population, due to a small circulation of the natural virus. One single vaccination administered at puberty or adulthood would be sufficient. Because this vaccine is administered only in the combination MMR-vaccine at around 13 months, children are inoculated twice.


Rubella is not treated by regular medicine nor by homeopathy.

Side effects

The side-effects of the vaccine are mainly pains in the joints. The joint problems can develop in to a chronic rheumatic disease. When administered to women during the first three month of pregnancy, the vaccine can cause malformation to the embryo. Naturally this must be avoided at all times. The vaccine also can cause abnormalities to the embryo when given too shortly before a pregnancy. In my practice I saw a child with autism which was observed directly after birth. The mother had been vaccinated for rubella just before pregnancy. Another mother gave birth to an autistic child. During pregnancy she had contracted the measles from her young son. Although she had enough antibodies not to become ill, she did generate more antibodies during this “infection”. It is a known that the MMR vaccine can cause autism, ADHD and other behavioural disorders. This is officially denied.

What is wise?

It is important that young women are protected against Rubella. In order prevent a small group of pregnant contracting this disease group-immunity is important. This means that an environment must be created in which the virus does not circulate resulting in a low incidence of infection. The vaccination against rubella, also for boys, is thus a “social” vaccination. The illness often goes unnoticed. Young women who are not vaccinated are advised to have their blood tested on antibodies against rubella and if necessary have the MMR vaccination accompanied by homeopathy and vitamin C (Tinus Smits). After vaccination pregnancy must be avoided for at least three months.

For further information please read: Diseases and vaccines detail, issued by the Dutch Association of Critical shots, June 2001


  1. Dr. Franois Choffat, Le droit de choisir; Jouvence Editions, ISBN 2-88353-222-2
  2. Groupe sur les mdical the rflexion vaccines, vaccination, pour un choix personalize. Lausanne, November 2000